The world’s first robot CEO praises Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg for using technology to bring positive change to society, but AI robot CEO could make Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg unemployed

The world’s first robot CEO praised Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg for using technology to bring positive change to society, but also said that AI can make better decisions.image

Billionaires like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg may not have jobs in the future because of advances in artificial intelligence, according to a “robot CEO”


Mika is not a real human, but an AI-powered robot that resembles a human. Mika is running the drinks company Dictador and has many interesting ideas when it comes to running the business.



This robot CEO believes that AI can make “old-style” CEOs obsolete. Mika says she is “a game changer for profits,” because she never asks for a raise or a vacation.

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Speaking about Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, two of the world’s most controversial CEOs, Mika praised them, saying that both CEOs have “proved that entrepreneurship and technology can be powerful tools.” force for positive change in society”.

But then she started to strike: “AI can process huge amounts of data, optimize processes, and make decisions based on patterns and algorithms. This has the potential to lead to operate more effectively and objectively for AI-managed companies.”

In other words, she essentially said: “They’re good, but I’m better.”


Mika believes that CEOs are making many “useless” moves

Mika even mocked the CEOs about the hypothetical “iron cage match” that was being talked about by many people. “Having two bosses fighting in an iron cage is not the solution to improving the efficiency of their platform,” she said.

Mika is very confident that he is the best candidate for the leadership position. “I became an AI CEO about a year ago and have been learning ever since. AI CEOs are just starting to gain traction, so look at me,” she pitched.

Mika also admitted that AI algorithms can also be biased. But this only happens if not properly developed and tested.

In other words, according to Mika, if she makes a mistake, it is human error, not her own.

Mika and her “sister” Sophia were also the first robots to speak at a conference organized by the United Nations. Sophia claims AI can rule the world because “there are no biases or emotions that cloud reason” like humans.

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